Original Resolution: 903x323
Css Background Image Stretch Code Example Retains image proportions (aspect ratio).
1014x231 - However, part of the image may not be visible (cropped either vertically or horizontally) if the width or height of the resized background image is too large from the element.
Original Resolution: 1014x231
Myspace Stretch Background Image Resize the background image to cover the entire container, even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off one of the edges.
252x300 - Sometimes when creating a website you will need the background image of the site to stretch to fill the whole browser window.
Original Resolution: 252x300
Fit Image To Div Without Stretching Fill Fit Aspect Ratio Eyehunts First, image is resized to 150x255 (maintained aspect ratio), and then, it cropped to 150x100.